The Centre for Academic Communication Logo


Welcome to the Centre for Academic Communication!

Check out UVic LEARN, our resource hub, or book appts for tips on setting up for a successful semester, AI tool use, academic writing, and MORE!   

Visit us in the Library Learning Commons hallway, offices 135 i-m. We are here 9am to 4pm Sunday to Friday for booked and drop-in appts, with Saturday and evening appts online at peak times. 

 You can also each out to individual team members .

 Workshops, cafes, and writing room information


Choose a schedule (e.g. "Get written feedback") and log in.

In your chosen schedule1) select an available space2) complete the booking form, and for written feedback, 3) attach a Word document and your assignment instructions

  • For written feedback, wait for an email notification that we have reviewed and offered written feedback (by 7pm* on appointment date) 
  • To meet online,, log in to the "meet online" schedule and click on your tutor's Zoom link at the time of your appointment.
  • To meet in person, please come to the CAC, located at the end of the Library's Learning Commons hallway (offices 135i-m).
  • Is the schedule full? Email for help; we'll assist as soon as possible!

*If extenuating circumstances impact this deadline, we will email you with an update.

Click here for detailed booking instructions; visit us for more information about the CAC


You may self-book three 25-minute appointments per week; if you need additional weekly appointments, please email  If you do not "show up" to a meet online appointment or have an assignment attached within 10 minutes of the time you've booked for written feedback, your appointment will be marked as "missed".  If you miss two appointments, your account will be temporarily disabled. For assistance, please reach out to